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Want to Snack After Breakfast But Fear Fat? This 4 ‘Safe’ Options

Jakarta, Have breakfast, but really hungry again and still want to snack huh? Well, for weight to stay awake and not quietly go up, the right snack choice was so important. The time lag between breakfast and lunch usually often makes hungry come again. Letting the stomach remain empty should not be done because it can make you crazy during lunch, said nutritionist and author of ‘Small Change Diet’, Keri Gans, RD, as quoted from Women’s Health Mag.Maka than that, you are more advisable to snack with nutritious snack choices. This is so you stay full, but without consuming excessive calories. Presented by another nutritionist, Jessica Swift, RD, ideally this snack is no more than 200 calories. Swift and Gans also lists 4 morning snacks that can help you stay full until lunch time: Also read: Natural Sugar Ingredients In Fruit Can Also Trigger Diabetes and Make Fat? Granola bar Granola bar has a fairly dense nutrient and is generally low in calories. However, you are still not recommended to consume too much. According to Gans, there are several types of bars that have a high sugar content, so it is still not advisable to consume too much. Cheese and chunks of applesKeju mentioned by Gans can also be a filling snack without excess calories. To reduce the salty taste, you can also eat a few pieces of apples to increase fiber intake.3. Strawberries and yoghurtOne other intake is believed to help make full in the morning of the Greek yoghurt and a cup of strawberries. This intake contains enough protein. Meanwhile, strawberries will give you extra fiber, added Gans.4. Boiled eggs and oranges Boiled eggs are one of the best sources of protein for you. Fat content is also not excessive. Gans said, you can eat citrus fruit also afterwards to get fiber intake. Read also: Not Just Make Slim, It Benefits Plus Routine Eating Green Vegetables (ajg / vit)

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